陕演票务 > 全部演出 > 音乐会 >《波兰中世纪古乐音乐会》


  • 2017-09-08 周五 19:45
  • 20
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  • 180
周一至周五 9:00-18:00
扫 码 购 票



演出时间:2017年9月8日    19:45










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温馨提示:本剧目所在演出场馆(西安音乐学院音乐厅)无自助取票设备,您可前往其他自助取票机上取票哦~(省图书馆大厅/小寨—地铁A、D口之间 / 钟楼—地铁D出口 / 北大街—地铁D出口 / 行政中心—地铁A出口 / 通化门—地铁E出口)






咨询电话:4008-0365-33(周一至周五9:30-18:00) 029-87575134(周六至周日10:00-17:30)



演出单位:波兰Maria Pomianowska 和她的乐团











Maria Pomianowska教授,多种乐器演奏家,声乐家,作曲家,教师。克拉科夫音乐学院教授,华沙跨文化节导演。自1984年起开始学习演奏亚洲乐器。 2000年,她根据自己丰富的亚洲游历,创作了几篇曲子并同马友友先生还有日本皇后及皇太子一起演出。现已发行专辑20多张,其中很多都获得了国际奖项。2010年,她在克拉科夫音乐学院波兰民族音乐系首次开课。2011年,创建了全世界第一个Suka&Fidel管弦乐队。其音乐足迹遍布日本、台湾、捷克共、国斯洛伐克、澳大利亚、保加利亚、德国、法国、西班牙、西伯利亚、以色列、英国和非洲,深受观众喜爱。


Maria Pomianowska, Ph.D. Art

Assistant Professor of Musical Arts, multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, composer and teacher. Professor of the Academy of Music in Cracow and director of the Cross-Culture Warsaw Festival. As a student at the Academy, she was granted scholarship to learn sarangi under the guidance of maestro P.Ram Narayan in India. Her artistic interests are marked by different musical systems and forms. Since 1984 she has been studying unique techniques of playing Asian instruments, travelling to India, China, Korea, Mongolia, Japan and Middle East.  Between years 1993-96 she conducted the Non-European Music Section at Chopin Academy of Music, along with giving courses at Musicology Institute of the Warsaw University, which portrays the connections and differences between various musical systems. Comparative studies and multicultural experiences allowed her to undertake the highly difficult task of reconstructing and taking into consideration artistic as well as scientific values of two missing traditional Polish instruments. She reconstructed two Polish forgotten instruments :suka from Bilgoraj and fiddle from Plock. In 1995 she established Zespol Polski and visited Japan, Taiwan, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, France, Spain, Siberia, Israel , UK, Africa. In years 1997-2002 she lived in Japan where she continued her musical career. In 2000 drawing from her rich Asian experiences she composed pieces, which were ordered by a world-wide famous cellist Mr. YoYoMa. She performed with him together as well as with the Japanese Empress and Crown Prince. She also performed with world-famous artists:  Boris Grebenshchikov, Gil Goldstein, Gonzalo Rubelcaba, Ian Gilan, Anna Maria Jopek, Stanisław Soyka and others. She has released over 20 albums, many of which have received international awards. In 2010, she has recorded a new CD: Chopin on 5 continents- Maria Pomianowska and friends, with unique arrangements of Chopin’s masterpieces written for ethnic instruments from all over the world. This CD in June 2010 achieved 5th position on world-wide playlist for World Music and Folk music -World Music Charts Europe organized by EBU. In 2010 she opened first in Poland Ethnic Music Department at the Academy of Music in Cracow. In 2011 she created the first in the World  Suka& Fidel orchestra which consist of her students.

Since 2011 she is travelling to Middle East and Africa creating multi-cultural projects.


 亚历桑德拉•卡乌芙( Aleksandra Kauf)-  2009-2012年在克拉科夫音乐学院大提琴班就读。目前在玛丽亚•波米亚诺夫斯卡的膝上弦琴班就读。曾多次参与由玛丽亚•波米亚诺夫斯卡组织的国际项目,其中包括与丹麦、立陶宛、德国、波兰和瑞典艺术家合作举办的“波罗的海文化之波”(Baltic Culture Wave)活动。2015年参与波兰-印度项目的策划,该项目活动曾多次在波兰和印度两地举行。


 伊沃娜•拉帕奇(Iwona Rapacz) - 毕业于华沙肖邦音乐学院大提琴班。曾于波兰广播乐团及波兰室内交响乐团合作。2008年与波兰乐团一同出席在特拉维夫举办的以色列波兰年音乐会。2011年作为Arcus Poloniae乐团成员在巴库(阿塞拜疆)和莫斯科(俄罗斯)举办波兰音乐会。


帕特雷奇娅•娜皮拉拉(Patrycja Napierała - 波兰爵士鼓手,主要活跃于波兰民族音乐界。近二十年来也曾分别与“世界音乐”(World music)、流行乐、民族乐乐、古典音乐、当代音乐和插画音乐领域的乐队合作。帕特雷奇娅毕业于地理学专业。与维也纳Euro Acousitics音乐工作室保持着长期合作。2015年起正式担任Anatolian公司土耳其钹的官方推广代言人。开设私人及团体鼓乐课程。目前与Shannon, Same Suki, Sama Yoon, PompaDur, Kayah&Transoriental Orchestra合作举办音乐会。


帕维乌•贝特雷(Paweł Betley-  毕业于华沙肖邦音乐学院笛子演奏专业。学生时代就已通过考试进入位于华沙的波兰广播电视乐团,并作为该团首位笛子演奏家在乐团工作至1992年。在此之前两年开始作为作曲家和音效家供职于Zet广播电台。1996年创建自己的工作室。帕维乌最为重视与玛丽亚•波米亚诺夫斯卡的合作,两人一同举办音乐会,策划项目。帕维乌还为电影配乐,为儿童及其他项目作曲。




1. 无名氏:Chorea Polonica


2. 波兰民乐: Oberka and Polka

波兰音乐最鲜明的特色之一就是这种基于三拍子玛祖卡(mazurka rhythm)节奏的舞曲。许多波兰民俗舞音乐和曲调都是基于这种节奏。玛祖卡节奏(mazurka rhythm)舞蹈中动作最快的就是Oberka。此曲音乐来自于肖邦诞生地,这也是激发肖邦创作玛祖卡钢琴曲的一种音乐。

3. 波兰民乐:松树


4. 肖邦玛祖卡组曲


5. 玛利亚•波米亚诺斯卡:森林


6. 波兰民乐: Matulu moja and Mazurka    


7. 玛利亚•波米亚诺斯卡:Step Wind Ocean


8. 波兰民乐:哦,白鹅                                                      


9. 领衔艺术家玛利亚•波米亚诺斯卡个人即兴独奏。

1.波兰无名曲——Chorea Polonica





1. Chorea Polonica is the name of Polish dance music popular in the 16th and 17th centuries. The music spread all over Europe during this period. Many chorea polonica dances found their way to Spain, France and Scandinavia at the time.

2. Oberek and Polka The distinctive expression of Polish character in music is the 'mazurka rhythm' based on a triple meter. Most Polish folk dances and tunes are built around this rhythmic pattern. The fastest dance in the mazurka rhythm is the oberek. The oberek and polka dances presented in the concert come from the region where Fryderyk Chopin was born. This is the kind of music that inspired Chopin when he composed his mazurkas for piano.

3. The Pine Tree is a Polish folk song about a poor girl working hard on a farm. She complains that no one appreciates her. Since she loves her work and is healthy, she feels happy.

4. Chopin's Mazurkas The selected mazurkas are among Chopin's compositions closest to folk music, echoing with inspirations drawn from the music of Mazovia (Poland's central region).

5. Maria Pomianowska Forest (a composition by the group's leader based on Polish folk tunes called suwany and tramelka. The piece is supported by improvisations, i.e. music created 'live' on the stage).

6. Matulu moja and Mazurka A folk song about a girl who is being married off, which makes her very sad. She complains to her mother and asks not to be married too soon, for she would like to go on living in her family home. The song is embellished with a dance tune based on the mazurka rhythm.

7. Maria Pomianowska




Compositions by the group's leader in which she creates a synthesis of melodic themes drawn from Polish music and music from countries lying along the Silk Road. Traditional Polish instruments are used to blend the tones and scales of Polish tunes with tunes and scales from Central Asia.

8. Oh Goose A folk song about a girl herding geese in a meadow. She wants to be able to swim like a goose to go to her beloved.

9.Final programme:

1. Polish Anonymous – Chorea Polonica

2. Polish folk music – Oberek and Polka

3. Polish folk music – The Pine Tree

4. F. Chopin – Mazurka Op. 33 No. 2
