陕演票务 > 全部演出 > 儿童亲子 >儿童剧《三条腿马戏团》(比利时)


  • 2018-09-08 周六 11:00
  • 2018-09-08 周六 16:00
  • 80
周一至周五 9:00-18:00
扫 码 购 票



演出时间:2018年9月8日    11:00/16:00










1. 演出详情仅供参考,具体信息以现场为准;

2. 本项目儿童须持票入场,一人一票制;已购门票概不退换,请谨慎下单。

3. 演出票品具有唯一性、时效性等特殊属性,如非活动变更、活动取消、票品错误的原因外,不提供退换票品服务,购票时请务必仔细核对并审慎下单。







温馨提示:本剧目所在演出场馆(咸阳丽彩中贝元剧场)无自助取票设备,您可前往(小寨—地铁A、D口之间 / 钟楼—地铁D出口 / 陕西省文化厅票务中心—西一路)或在微信公众号回复“1”查询自助取票机分布地址。






订票咨询电话:4008-3652-86    029-87575134





Theatre of OZ – The Circus

The Brussels theater company Théâtre OZ was founded by Denise Yerlès. The company announced a name change this season and is now called Collective H2Oz.
Collective H2Oz is supported by eight artists who are active in various disciplines. Their strength is that these different disciplines can also be found in their performances. Performances that always speak a huge visualization, are almost quasi-wordless and are also characterized by subtle musical and dance elements / impulses. Productions in which 'discover' is often central.
'The circus of ever' was given a special jury mention because of the scenography and for the absurdly humorous character of the performance;
'Guizing' received praising press comments and is described as a production that converts vulnerability into a tremendous power in a wordless manner;
'A little bit further' about the 'discovery of life and the small steps that we take in it', makes a big impression on the press and on the young audience because of the concept and the strong visual design.


The circus of ever


Theater Oz makes circus with three times nothing. And yet their circus is special. Stunts without danger, magic tricks where everything is visible, animal acts without animals. The ladies do it with conviction, with heart and soul and a lot of humor! So we really imagine ourselves in that charming circus of the past, where the stunts were still simple and the atmosphere warm and cozy.


Playtime                                 : 45 minutes (construction time: 3 hours)

Age                                            : 3 to 8 to 9 years and family

MAXIMUM SPECTATORS           : 180

Actors: Nathalie Delvaux, Zosia Ladomirska and Florence Laloy

costumes: Noëlle Deckmyn - director: Marie Staes-Polet

price                                            : 2.150 for 2 performances in one day

People to China                                 : 3 actresses and 1 technician




布鲁塞尔剧院公司剧院OZ是由Denise Yerles创立的。该公司在本季度宣布了更名,现在更名为Collective H2Oz。团体H2Oz得到了不同领域的艺术家的支持,并且融会贯通。将表演足够的形象化,而且还具有微妙的音乐和舞蹈元素,使“发现”变为是表演的核心。




年龄:3 - 9岁及家庭




Theatre of OZ – The Circus

The Brussels theater company Théâtre OZ was founded by Denise Yerlès. The company announced a name change this season and is now called Collective H2Oz.
Collective H2Oz is supported by eight artists who are active in various disciplines. Their strength is that these different disciplines can also be found in their performances. Performances that always speak a huge visualization, are almost quasi-wordless and are also characterized by subtle musical and dance elements / impulses. Productions in which 'discover' is often central.
'The circus of ever' was given a special jury mention because of the scenography and for the absurdly humorous character of the performance;
'Guizing' received praising press comments and is described as a production that converts vulnerability into a tremendous power in a wordless manner;
'A little bit further' about the 'discovery of life and the small steps that we take in it', makes a big impression on the press and on the young audience because of the concept and the strong visual design.


布鲁塞尔剧院公司TeeTeeTooz是由Denise Yerl公司创立的,该公司宣布本季度名称变更,现在被称为集体H2OZ。由八位活跃于各个学科的艺术家支持的集体H2OZ。他们的力量是这些不同的学科也可以在他们的表演中找到。总是表现出巨大的视觉效果的表演几乎是无言的,也以微妙的音乐和舞蹈元素/冲动为特征。“发现”往往是中心的。“三条腿马戏团”被赋予了特别的陪审团的注意,因为场景和表演的荒谬幽默特征;’GuiTi’收到了赞扬新闻评论,并被描述为一种转换易损品的产品。以一种无言的方式变成一种巨大的力量,“关于生命的发现和我们所采取的小步骤”有一点点“,”因为概念和强烈的视觉设计给新闻界和年轻观众留下了深刻的印象。